Mechanism of Action and Pharmacokinetics

Du Mestero is appropriate to treat orally, all those states of insufficiency caused by poor production or lack of androgen secretion. The production capacity of male sex hormones (androgens), decreases with age. Administered at the recommended doses, Androlic does not interfere with spermatogenesis.
Androlic has excellent liver tolerance.


– Power disorders.
Androlic suppresses potency disorders, due to the androgen deficit. Along with the causal therapy, Androlic can be prescribed as an adjunct, often with real success.
– Hypogonadism.
Androlic stimulates the growth, development and function of effector organs that are under the androgenic influence, as well as the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, in cases of prepubertal androgen insufficiency. Postpubertal deficiency manifestations, caused by loss of function of the sex glands, are eliminated.
– Sterility
Oligozoospermia, as well as insufficient testicular function (Leydig’s cellular apparatus), are a frequent cause of sterility. Androlic increases the number of sperm and improves its quality, also raising or normalizing the concentration of fructose in the ejaculate.
All this contributes to increasing the chances of fertilization taking place.


Except for another medical prescription, in cases of decline in physical activity, cardiac and circulatory disorders, as well as power disorders, the following dosage schedule is recommended: Treatment initiation: 1 tablet, 3 times a day. Continuation of treatment: 1 tablet, 1-2 times a day. Depending on the type and severity of the discomfort or disorders, it is recommended to carry out short treatments, lasting 4 to 6 weeks, which can be repeated several times, or interrupted treatments that can last for a few months. In hypogonadism, due to insufficient endogenous testosterone, prolonged treatment is necessary. To stimulate the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, it is necessary to administer 1-2 tablets of Androlic, 3 times a day, for several months. As maintenance dose, 2-3 tablets per day are usually sufficient. In oligozoospermia, treatment with Androlic – 2 to 3 tablets daily – should cover the duration of a complete spermatogenic cycle, that is, about 90 days. Hypogonadotropic states will be further treated, initially, with a gonadotropic hormone that has FSH activity (eg 2 x 2,000 IU of serum gonadotropin per week, up to a total dose of 12,000 IU). Sometimes it is convenient to repeat the treatment with Androlic after a break of several weeks.


Prostate carcinoma History or existence of liver tumors, hypercalcemia.

Adverse reactions

Androgens are not appropriate for increasing muscle development, physical activity and healthy people.
Androlic should only be used in male patients.
In addition, a prostate examination should be performed as a precautionary measure regularly.

Precautions and Warnings

This specialty contains lactose. Cases of intolerance to this component have been described in children and adolescents. Although the amount present in the preparation is probably not enough to trigger the symptoms of intolerance, in case diarrhea appears you should consult your doctor.

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Box 904 Abu Dhabi
(9712) 6131 432