
El principio activo es el Stanozolol, que es el 17- & – hidroxi- 17 – & – metil androstano (3,2-c) pirazol, moderno anabolizante, eficaz tanto por vía oral como parenteral y potente estimulante de la síntesis proteica. El efecto del fármaco (se prolonga durante 2 o 3 semanas) se manifiesta con un aumento de apetito y del peso corporal y con una notable recuperación de las condiciones generales al mejorar la utilización de las proteínas.


  • States of general deterioration, thinness of diverse origin, rebel anorexia, convalescence, chronic and debilitating diseases.
  • Nephrotic syndrome, asthmatics, rheumatoid arthritis, etc., to counteract the catabolic effect of cortisonics.
  • As an adjunct in the treatment of bedsores, slow consolidation fractures, westoporosis, extensive burns, pro and post-operative periods.
  • In pediatrics, in the delays of statural and ponderal growth, in somatic hypoevolutisms, in dystrophies and in immaturity.


In adults, 2 mg. Three times a day at 4 mg. Four times a day for 5 days at the beginning. In children: from 6 to 12 years 2 mg. The day that will only be administered during an attack (according to medical criteria)


Hypersensitivity to Stanozolol, pregnancy, prostate carcinoma.


Concomitant administration of corticosteroids or ACTH may occasionally cause edema. In anticoagulant treatments, an increase in the response to these drugs may be recorded, so it may be necessary to reduce their dose to obtain the same therapeutic effect.

Precautions and Warnings

In patients sensitive to endocrine or hydroelectrolytic collateral phenomena (tendency to edema), periodic monitoring during prolonged treatments is appropriate. In patients with hepatopathies, it is advisable to monitor the rates of cholestasis.

Poisoning and its treatment

At the indicated therapeutic doses, no acute toxicity can be expected. In case of overdose go to the Medical Emergency Center

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برج ليوا بوكس أبو ظبي

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Box 904 Abu Dhabi
(9712) 6131 432